From the Second series introduced in 1936, this splendid cabriolet (originally miscalled town coupé) in two tone green has got, on the running board, the lovely tin Shell petrol can which made these models famous. This is a rare colour scheme, a two tone blue exist also seen twice in auctions. The first colours given by Tri-ang where new blue with plated wings, light brown with black wings and ivory with red wings. New blue is quiet common, it generally turned to a yellow or a light brown shade with time, sun rays and sometime cigarette smoke. I've never seen any black wings in the early series but no one knows... Light brown is also confusing, I don't know if it refers either to the brown commonly seen on the early Minic or the fawn colour. Considering the last of the three colours, ivory can only be the beige written on the boxes flaps with the name of the model.
Rounded wings / mudguards and petrol can, it's definitely a 2nd series.
The famous luggage rack on the rear...
All original four white tyres hardened by the time a bit flattened but so much nicer than reproductions
Oh, by the way, I can hear the grass grow is a terrific single by the British 60's band the Move written by Roy Wood, it reached # 5 in the UK charts in 1967...
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